Tag Archives: clients


It’s that time of year where many people begin thinking about everything they have to be thankful for. Although it’s nice to count your blessings, being thankful and grateful throughout the year could have tremendous benefits on your quality of life.

So think about what you are grateful for that this month, next month and throughout the upcoming months as you start each day. As the owner and CEO of Assistant Match I want to thank everyone that is part of the Assistant Match community for trusting in us. I am grateful to be able to provide you with the resources you need.

We have a dynamic community of small business owners who utilize our virtual assistant match services, professional virtual assistants who provide our clients with superior service and a large community of people who allow us to email them every month and look to us to keep them updated on relevant information. Our community follows us on social media and they reach out to us for help and guidance when necessary.

In this month’s video message I am expressing how grateful I am for each individual who is part of our growing community.

Showing gratitude is definitely worth doing more than once a year, but for today I say, Happy Thanksgiving!

I love to remind the business owners that I work with to take communication with their virtual assistants (VA) very seriously and to hold themselves accountable for providing their VA with on-going feedback throughout the year.

While this may seem obvious, be sure to always tell your VA what is expected of them.  It is a simple conversation that should always happen when asking them to do work for you.  It is also important to let them know it is ok to ask you questions when they may be confused, or unsure of any expectation or work task.   Just be sure to let your VA know if you prefer to have him or her email, text or call you with questions, so that it is less likely they will do job that doesn’t meet your expectations.

Regular feedback is such an important part of team development and seamless workflows. Try and schedule time to provide your VA with both constructive and positive feedback each week and your relationship with your VA will be exactly what you want it to be!

We are thrilled to have international speaker, author, trainer, and advisor,  Alex Theis be our guest on the Assistant Match blog, and provide us with information about tapping into the power of referrals.

Whether you’re the CEO of a big company, a home-based business owner, or anything in between, referrals can be an untapped goldmine. Are you tapping into the power of referrals? Here’s five reasons why they are absolutely magical.

1. Referrals buy quicker. Word of mouth is the most trusted form of advertising in the world, so the buying decision requires less research. Referrals ask fewer questions and take less of your time.

2. Referrals negotiate less and rarely complain. That key concept – trust. Referrals have built in trust of you and your product. Their mind is already down the road of being satisfied even before they buy.

3. Referrals buy more and buy more often. People want to buy services and products from businesses they believe in. Because the trust of the referrer has been transferred to them, their average sale is higher and they buy with more frequency. Think Amazon…

4. Referrals cost you virtually nothing. Utilizing the power of your already happy customers and clients, you can compress the time it takes to buy. This means very little marketing dollars are spent and big time ROI.

5. Referrals are more likely to refer others. They were referred, so they tend to follow the same pattern. When we find a good thing, packed with value, we love to share it with others.

How can you tap into this virtual goldmine? Ask your happy customers and clients for referrals. Create a program to incentivize referrals. Reward those who have already referred business to you. Get creative and watch your business grow!

Alex Theis is a speaker, best-selling author, podcaster, and leading expert on customer and client retention. His internationally-downloaded podcast, Limitless, can be heard on iTunes, Stitcher, and PodcastLimitless.com.

The month of November is always a time when we remind ourselves what we are thankful for. In business it may be a strong loyal client base, an awesome team of people who support us, a contract win, or even the fact that we enjoy doing what we do. For personal gratitude, it may be our family, our friends, or even the barista who makes our morning coffee exactly to our liking every time we stop in.

The thing about gratitude that is important to remember, is that it really should be something to think about and demonstrate all year long, and not just when the calendar reaches the month of November.

It is easy for all of us to get wrapped up in our daily lives. With the stress of deadlines, bills that need to be paid, phone calls or emails that need to be returned, and demands on our time, it is easy to forget about being grateful.

Expressing gratitude can be super powerful for a business. According to Randy Raggio, a marketing professor at the University of Richmond, in an article published in Fortune magazine in November 2011, “Gratitude motivates positive reciprocal behavior,” If a customer believes that a business has his best interests at heart, that customer is more inclined to develop a long-term relationship with the business.

The article also mentions that gratitude is an effective tool largely because “it is a precursor to developing trust,” and trust itself is an extremely powerful driver for loyalty, no matter the type of relationship. Just the same, gratitude is only valuable when it comes across as genuine.

So, as we move through this month, and towards 2016 , make it a New Year resolutions to add daily gratitude into your life, and let us know what happens.