Are you paralyzed in the ‘what if’ syndrome of being a small business owner?
Are these questions constantly finding their way into your thoughts and conversations?
- What if I can’t do everything myself?
- What if I disappoint my clients?
- What if I get in over my head?
- What if I don’t make enough money to support this business?
These are all real feelings that every entrepreneur and small business owner has had at one or more points in their journey. Without fear, you would not be driven to overcome these “what if” senarios, however, getting paralyzed by these kinds of thoughts could easily derail your success.
To get passed these fear based thoughts, without paralysis, you have to turn the negatives into positives, the CAN’TS into CANS!
- What can I do by myself?
This is where you should look at your daily workload realistically, and decide what tasks have to be done by you, and what can be outsourced to an assistant. Don’t ever be afraid to delegate. Without delegation, you will limit your power for growth and success.
- How can I delight my clients?
What extra steps can you do to impress your clients? Some of these can be simple, effective communication, or sending a hand written thank you note to them for trusting you with their business needs, remembering their birthdays, providing quality work with no errors, and obviously staying within their target budget.
- What if getting in over my head is a good thing?
Having too much work will only be stressful, if you don’t have a plan in place to outsource some of your workload. The administrative tasks that bog down your day, need to be done by someone who can focus on just those tasks and has the expertise to make you shine. Get a team in place that can handle the areas of your business that you are not skilled in. Your virtual team can be utilized on an as-needed basis, or, better yet, delegate weekly assignments that help take work off your plate. Just be sure to have them in place when you need them.
- What if I make so much money that my business is able to fully support me and my family?
This is really where you need to focus your time. Securing the clients that will ultimately bring in the cash flow. You started your business because it was your passion and/or your expertise. You are the face, the voice and the driver of how successful it can become. Staying focused on why you started your business will help you to not get paralyzed by fear of failure.
Turn the negative “what ifs” around and let them work for you. What if staying positive and asking for help was the ultimate solution to getting your business to the point where you ultimately want it to be? What if…?