It’s our pleasure to introduce you to Marissa Levin. We love having Marissa as a client of Assistant Match and we encourage you to connect with Marissa on her website or through social media if you would like to learn more about her business services.
1. What is the name of your business?
I actually have two businesses:
- -Information Experts
- Successful Culture
2. Where are you located?
I am located in Reston, VA
3.Describe your business and what you do:
Information Experts is the leader in integrated strategic communications, online learning, and human capital services.
Mission: To help our clients achieve their strategic objectives through the creation of compelling, transformative, and highly efficient communications and online learning solutions.
Values: Efficient. Reliable. Business-Focused. Solutions-Focused. Innovative. Committed to Responsible Flexibility.
Information Experts is an award-winning strategic communications and education firm. Our core areas of expertise include instructional design/elearning, strategic communications, human capital, and marketing communications & outreach.
We work with government agencies across all sectors, including civilian, defense, and intelligence. We also support numerous vertical markets in the commercial sector. We have won more than 90 awards for our creativity and leadership.
Successful Culture is the leading authority on building extraordinary organizational cultures to attract and keep extraordinary people.
Mission: To help every small business owner build high-growth, people-centric organizational cultures through CEO-to-CEO strategic consulting, enabling all employees and organizations to fulfill their potential.
Values: Integrity. Authenticity. Accountability. Connection. Experience. Transformation. Growth.
4. How has working with a virtual assistant helped you overcome daily challenges associated with being a business owner?
My virtual assistant is an expert with my email marketing tool, which is an absolutely essential part of my growth strategy. It would take me 4 times as long to do what she does, and I would do a poor job. I dislike this type of work, and she loves it. A CEO needs to evaluate what they don’t like and what they are not good at, and delegate it to someone who loves that work, so that they are then free to do what a CEO does best, which is executing on their strategy and vision.
5. What advice would you give to anyone thinking about working with a virtual assistant?
Call Assistant Match! If they need further convincing, they should draw a quadrant with these titles on the boxes: 1: Love/Good at it; 2: Love/Not good at it 3: Don’t like/good at it 4: Don’t like/not good at it. Anything not in Box #1 should be delegated/outsourced to an expert. Skip the entry-level route and go right to the expert for dependable results, lower stress, and a strong ROI.
6. How do you market your business and which methods have proven most successful?
Word of mouth, face-to-face networking, outreach through my blog
7. What do you enjoying doing when you are not working?
Working out, spending time with my family, reading, going to concerts
8. What is your Business Website URLs:
9. What is your Business Facebook Page URL
10. What is your Twitter username?