Five keys to an outstanding presentation

International speaker, author, trainer, and advisor,  Alex Theis has agreed to be a guest on the Assistant Match blog.  This month he is providing us with information to help give awesome presentations.

No matter what you do for a living, there inevitably will come a time when you need to prepare a presentation. You may need to sell your idea to a boss, present your business to a potential client, or give an amazing keynote speech. So how can you make sure you’re prepared to crush it?

Here is a simple, powerful formula I use to create memorable presentations with confidence.

1. Know your audience. What are they looking to walk away with? What are their pain points, desires, and expectations? If you don’t know, ask someone who does. Knowing your audience well makes preparing a presentation so much easier.

2. Educate and entertain. When people learn something new, a powerful brain chemical called dopamine kicks in, making them excited to take action. In addition, an entertained audience learns and retains more, which will make you memorable. So inject humor, entertaining stories and anecdotes, and your enthusiasm into your presentation.

3. Be yourself. No one else can be you. Your audience is listening to you. Step into your greatness and be your best you. Relax, remember to smile, and have a little fun.

4. Use stories create empathy. Empathy is the greatest force in marketing. Nothing creates it more than a great story that your audience can relate to. The old adage will never change: facts tell, stories sell. Stories can be personal, third party, or anecdotal. A presentation without a story is like a dog without a bone.

5. Provide a call to action. This is a very common mistake I see presenters make. No call to action or a very weak one. People gravitate to strength. Be strong. Tell your audience what action you want them to take. This is essential!

Follow these five easy keys next time you need to give an awesome presentation and you will love the results.

Alex Theis is a speaker, best-selling author, podcaster, and leading expert on customer and client retention. His internationally-downloaded podcast, Limitless, can be heard on iTunes, Stitcher, and